School Certifications

Discover Our School Certifications 

Welcome to the Learnix Tree Center, where excellence in education  meets state-certified quality. Since our establishment in 2011, we  have been committed to providing top-notch training and learning  experiences that empower individuals for success. Our dedication  to excellence is reflected in the numerous certifications and  recognitions we hold, ensuring that you receive the highest  standard of education. 

State-Certified School 

We take pride in being a state-certified school accredited by the  State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV). This  recognition reflects our commitment to meeting rigorous  educational standards and providing you with a learning  environment that’s both reputable and effective. You can explore  our official listing on the SCHEV website by visiting this link: SCHEV  School Listing. 

Eligible Training Provider 

As an Eligible Training Provider, we have partnered with state  agencies to offer valuable training programs that align with  workforce development initiatives. Our collaboration with Virginia  Career Works, Maryland Department of Labor, and New Jersey  Department of Labor showcases our dedication to providing  training that directly contributes to your career advancement. You  can verify our eligibility through the following links: 

Virginia Career Works – Learnix Tree Center: Simply change  the search category to “Educational Institutions” and enter  “Learnix” in the search field. 

Maryland Department of Labor – Learnix Tree Center: Choose  Learnix Tree Center from the dropdown menu. 

Recognized and Trusted by Google Maps 

Our reputation extends beyond certifications, as evidenced by our  positive ratings and listing on Google Maps. Our community of  learners has found value in the education we provide, and their  feedback is a testament to our commitment to quality. You can  explore our Google Maps listing and ratings by visiting Learnix Center  IT Training School on Google Maps. 

Your Path to Excellence Starts Here 

At Learnix Tree Center, our certifications and recognitions are more  than badges; they’re symbols of our commitment to your growth.  When you choose us, you’re choosing a trusted institution that  provides education aligned with industry demands and workforce  needs. Join us on a journey towards excellence that is backed by  certifications, recognized by state agencies, and valued by learners  like you. 

For more information about our certifications and how they enhance  your educational experience, please contact us at: 

Learnix Tree Center 

1934 Old Gallows Rd., Ste. 350 

Vienna, VA 22182 


Explore the world of certified excellence with Learnix Tree Center.  Your success story begins here.